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Lego Scratch Controller | Prototype n°01


After hearing the Netherlands might go on a national lockdown, ‘slamtheflap’ rushed to this studio. Besides his Technics turntable, Pioneer S9 mixer and some other dj gear, he took a box with some Lego bricks home.

This ‘Prototype n°01 is his first art object made during the #Corona quarantine.

Being weirded out by the virus and its #lockdown reality, ‘slamtheflap’ decided to travel to his childhood and by playing with his Lego bricks.

He quickly found a way to make a tool for a ‘Phase dj’ unit. The result is a short video, were he uses the ‘Prototype n°01’ for the first and last time.

  • First #Corona art object

  • Available until 23 march 2020

  • Materials: Lego

  • Size: 150 x 50 x 25cm

  • Designed for a ‘Phase dj’ unit. (not included).


Lego Scratch Controller | Prototype n°01