I started this project two years ago after watching the weekly vlog by Laidback Luke*. In this episode he talks about ‘sound design’ and at one point he says: ‘I can make a sound from scratch’. That line got stuck in my head and I immediately knew it could be dope as a vocal during a dj routine. I decided to take it a step further and I use it to build a new audio visual scratch routine.
To create the ‘chorus’ parts I used some other vocal parts from the vlog and combined them on the track ‘G-String’ by Inpetto. Besides the track, I wanted to somehow incorporate the artwork into the routine. I used the artwork as a background layer to create a ‘parallax’ effect. I experimented with visualising and scratching waveforms. After making screenshots in Ableton, I vectorized the waveforms in Illustrator.
The goal was to layer the ‘scratch waveform’ on top of the ‘beat waveform’, combining it together with the ‘Luke visual’.
I used the Echo FX to loop the sample variation because ‘it’s nice to switch it up now and then’. In the past two years I rebuilt this routine at least 4 times, making a lot of files in many different programs, learning a lot of new techniques in video editing. Some projects are like workouts to sharpen my workflow and explore new editing techniques.