#7 WeChat Message


#7 WeChat Message

One time in China I got this WeChat message and realized I really needed this information a day earlier.

Long story short, after returning from a successful midnight toilet hunt on the streets of Nanning, I couldn’t get that voice message out of my head and fired up Ableton to chop it up while staring at the broken toilet.

During my China trip, I was invited to the first Hip Hop festival in Ningbo and my 90’s Hiphop heart started beating again. So dope to see mc’s, dj’s, b-boy’s and graffiti artists together again. I hadn’t seen Hiphop culture like this for many years and it felt needed.

After the trip I started listening to some ‘golden oldies’ tracks which lead up to using the ‘Come Clean’ sample.
Today I finished the edit with a little visual, hopefully it won’t get stuck in your head.

The whole China trip was a f*cking dope experience and hope to go back this year.

Slam Le Flapvideo, goals, short